Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kla Haya Days

We went to Kla Haya Days last weekend in Snohomish. It's an annual festival that they have. The frog is the mascot, I guess, so  that's why some of the pictures have frogs. We went to the parade and the street fair. We were unsuccessful at finding the glowing hot air balloons at night, but it was fun to drive around. I love all the little summer festivals around here. Charlotte was loving the parade.



Road Trip!

We are on our way to a family reunion in Utah. We met up with the rest of the family at the Seattle Temple so that we could drive together. It was so sunny and bright that we had to take pictures while we stretched our legs. Charlotte did an awesome job on the whole trip and didn't cry at all. YEAH! I hope she keeps this up tomorrow and on the way back:) 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sculpture Park

Brad's sister, Melissa, is visiting from Nebraska for a week before we head to Utah for the family reunion, so we showed her around downtown Seattle on Friday. We stopped by the usual places, Pike's Place market, the Space Needle, the piers, and the sculpture garden. These pictures are from the sculpture garden and the mural inside at the park. It was really pretty and a very warm day. Charlotte did a great job. She has decided that she would rather be held or walk than ride in her stroller, but was happy the whole time we were sitting in the terrible Seattle traffic, which we were very grateful for.


This summer has been pretty busy. I've picked up some more hours at work and we've been having tons of adventures. Here are some pictures from washing the car a few weeks ago. Charlotte loved helping scrub the car. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Zoo Trip

The zoo! We woke up this morning and it felt like the perfect day to visit the zoo. Charlotte has been more into animals and animal sounds and names, so she's just old enough to enjoy it. She had a blast. She really liked all the monkeys. I think she was just as interested in the animals as the other kids at the zoo, but she had fun.  It's a big zoo and there was a lot of walking, so we were glad that we decided to drive instead of ride our bikes like we had planned. 

 Leopard babies! They were so cute. They were my favorite.

A lot of the animals were sleeping right before we left. It was a pretty hot day. 

 Brad and Charlotte both really liked the otters.

Charlotte was all worn out from all the animals. She fell asleep as soon as we got to the car.