Friday, April 13, 2012

Closing socials and reading days

 Today we made the most of our last reading day by PARTYING! Ok, there was a little homework, Brad worked, and I went to a review session. I have two more finals until I'm home free! We went to the dietetics closing social tonight. The food was delicious and it was great to see everyone. Charlotte LOVED all the attention:) What a social butterfly!? Of course she just needed a little power nap and snack to rejuvenate. I may have received the senior superlative award for "most likely to seem quiet...but is secretly sassy." haha. Brad says they hit the nail on the head :)...I love it!

               And Spring in Utah is beautiful. Hail, rain, sun, snow, you never really know.


  1. love the superlative, how fun! :) Congrats on graduating!

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to post our amazing adventures in Washington!
