Saturday, September 14, 2013

Chihuly Glass Exhibit

We've been by the Chihuly glass exhibit downtown a number of times, but have never made our way in. When it first went up last year, you could see some of the sculptures through the hedge, but that hedge is really growing this year and blocking my view! So we decided to go in with our friends Marie and Jen. It was so worth it! The sculptures were amazing. Charlotte had just gotten up from a nap and wanted to be held the whole time, so it was great. She would have been all over that glass at any other time... Now for glass sculpture overload (and these are only a few of the pieces. It really was a lot to take in)


  1. Those pictures turned out really well. The colors are really vivid and capture the scupltures so well.
    Miss you guys. Thanks for all the fun.
