Thursday, September 12, 2013


We had a great time visiting my grandma in Montana last week. Charlotte had a blast at the zoo. She loved the farm animals especially and woke up the next day talking about the "big horsey".  The bear was a little to real for us since we had just been camping and there were signs everywhere warning about bears... The tiger was massive. 
We spent a lot of time scanning old pictures that my grandma had. I love looking at old family pictures. 


  1. Man, I usually don't admit to being a rabid blog-stalker, but oh my gosh Victoria CHARLOTTE'S FACE in that last picture is the best thing that happened to me today (which is saying something because I ate three cookies this afternoon).

    1. haha! That was her picture face for the day. I'm glad that you stalk my blog. Your comment made my day and I had a lemon cupcake...
