Monday, December 9, 2013

Putting Charlotte to Bed

Charlotte has been having a lot of trouble with going to bed lately. She screams unless someone is in there. We've let her scream it out until she just goes back to her bed a few times. Including last night. We were pretty surprised when she actually stopped crying after only a few minutes. That was at 9pm. Brad and I went to bed at 10:30 and were almost asleep at 10:45 when we heard some piano playing from Charlotte's room next door. Weird, since she was supposed to be asleep. Then we kept hearing it. THIS is what we found...

Let's just say that there are at least 30 books and 15 blankets piled on her bed as well as diapers (clean and dirty), wipes, her changing pad, the cover for that and everything else from her shelf. The funny part is that she looked like she somehow did fall asleep somewhere and woke up and then decided to play the piano.

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