Saturday, February 8, 2014


 It snowed in Seattle! Finally! I have been saying that it never snows here and now I have to eat my words. I've been comparing it to our chances of having a baby boy this time around (btw, baby Gerhardt #2 due July 2014!) since there are only girl grand kids, 6 of them, in Brad's family. I guess this means that we're having a boy:) We haven't seen snow in a while so we had a blast walking around and playing in the snow. It's supposed to snow all night, so tomorrow should be fun.
 We walked around the mall at U Village. This is the icy fountain. 
 Oh, I just love that scowl...she does it for every picture now. I have to catch her off guard to get a good one. 
 Charlotte's first snowman! She wasn't so sure about it. She wanted to smash it...Luckily, she didn't.
Below is a picture of our blackberry pastries and my fabulous snow footwear.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Charlotte might not be a fan of the snow... I know you said she scowls for every picture, but that combined with smashing a snowman... :)
    Such a cute picture of you guys regardless.
